The stylish contemporary houses on Saltings Reach have been built using granite quoins and slate roofs. The traditional materials and attention to detail are reflected in the materials, plants and accessories used in the design and landscaping of the three gardens landscaped.

Circular lawns and beds soften the awkward angles in garden one and to help to give the garden privacy without boxing the area in, pleached liquid amber trees were planted, creating intimate areas and a stylish boundary.

As with every design and build there were pros and cons. The new builds gave us level ground and a blank canvas, but the gardens are overlooked by neighbours’ windows.

The right angles in garden two allowed us to use raised sleeper beds to create separate intimate areas in this social family garden. The garden faces north to add light a lighter Limestone paving framed with black granite setts were used.

A curved timber structure above a curved sleeper bed helps with the awkward angles and the overlooking windows in garden three. The light limestone was again used with the black setts completing the circle though the patio breaking up the courtyard style garden.

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